Mbinu Walizotumia Nike Kuteka Soko la Viatu Duniani

Mbinu Walizotumia Nike Kuteka Soko la Viatu Duniani

Historia iliandikwa rasmi mwaka 1964, ambapo kijana mtanashati Phil Knight ambaye alikuwa ni mkufunzi wa riadha katika chuo cha Oregon akishirikiana na Bill Bowerman ambaye alikuwa ni mbunifu wa viatu.



Branding has been around since 350 A.D and is derived from the word “Brandr”, meaning “to burn” in Ancient Norse language. By the 1500s, it had come to mean the mark that ranchers burned on cattle to signify ownership. Yet branding today is more than just a look or a logo. It has come to signify the emotional “gut feeling” reaction a company can elicit from its customers

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